George, 43.17
What is the best age? Life is a never ending journey of finding yourself, so i don't know if I've hit it yet. My best age was probably 25,26,27
When do people become old? When they give up on trying to innovate, and trying or when they stop evolving with new ideas (or being able to accept new ideas)
What makes you sad? Whatever is a trying time, even if it doesn't concern me, like someone close to me going through a grieving process
What makes you happy? Being able to figure something out, good music, pursuit of happiness, something new that makes the light bulb go off
What is the best place in the world? Physically could be wherever is best at the time, but spiritually it's good health
What do you worry about? Camaraderie of mankind- just to be able to get along. Racism, sexism, this election- can we get along together
What do you love? Positive energy
What is next for you? I want to try different things that I've never tried (writing about the brutal honesty of what goes on in the world from the perspective of growing up in the status quo. For people to be aware of way of growing up at a young age
What is life about? Never ending journey of discovering yourself and overcoming. Like the saying- “Success is not measured by what you have but what you overcame”