what is next for you?

repeated answers are bold, larger if more often, and a few favorites are in italics



[My] Students' achievement

1st grade

8th standard

A 180

A cabin in the woods

A clothing shop [called 'Next'] to continue thinking outside the box

A cross country motorcycle trip across the US

A documentary project exploring identity

A new door

A nice vacation

A period where I can realize all of my creative potential

A veterans village [for homeless vets]

About to interview for a new job, working out of a street outreach medical van

Actually more of the same, I'm retired I don't really have a plan

Adopting a child

Always pushing myself to achieve

Always tomorrow, finding healthy ways to be in balance with parenthood and being in partnership

An always changing journey, adventure

An empty nest and figuring out how to navigate that

Another baby

Another coffee, then death

Another goal

Another thing

Awareness of the Creator God


Be a ballerina

Be independent and work for myself and not be dependent on external factors

Becoming a young global leader

Becoming comfortable in my own skin finally

Being 12

Being a Mum

Being a productive member of society, returning to my family, a new beginning

Being able to tackle the world while still having a stable home/space

Being an Olympic Gold Medalist

Being more nice to myself



Climbing Kilimanjaro- which is also a metaphor to keep going for challenges and exploring and staying curious



College course[s]

College, hopefully some sort of Grad school. I want to live in New York [City] at some point and I want to get a dog

College life

College, figuring what I want to do with my life

Continuing to explore, to enjoy, and to enjoy what we have and are doing

Currently its very undefined, what I want to do next

Dance and trying to expand people's notions of what movement and dance can express. Finding new context

Daughter's job and marriage

Developing myself and making sure that my achievements will actually be worth the effort


Do a triathlon

Do more education related work

Does anyone really know what's next?

Doing my best to take of this business I got into

Doing something brave, going back to school and my next reinvention of myself

Doing something that will make a difference to humanity and more specifically I want to do something impactful for the students I serve and for my family its to be there day in and day out

Doing something useful

Doing the disco [dance on floor]

Don't want to go next. I like where I am now. Goals and aspirations are not my scene. I can't imagine life getting better than it is right now

Eating dinner


Engineering [degree]

Enrolling in school, becoming successful

Eternity, definitely


Expanding my career, more exposure in my career

Experience and maturity in all kinds of ways. Hopefully further success

Feet first out the door, continuing to cruise, resume skiing

Figuring out a new career

Figuring out how to raise a teenager

Figuring out what is next for me

Figuring out what is next for my career

Figuring out what makes me happy and sticking with it

Finding a career, not just a job but a career with a future

Finding a way to analyze culture in early learning and share it with the masses

Finding balance

Finish college

Finishing a video for a project that takes at risk youth and teaches them to do stand up comedy

Finishing high school and going to college hopefully and learning how to see new things as good again and learning how to love myself

Finishing my college math and going home

For the next four years, kind of the same. striving to get good grades. Kinda set for high school, after that I don't know. Definitely college


From a family perspective I'm probably going to get married. From a career perspective taking on new opportunities that lead to more growth and development

Full retirement and traveling more

Fun times

Get good marks, not only me but my friends also 

Get out and get back to my family

Getting a dog

Getting deported to Mexico and living with my Aunt and family. Becoming a better man

Getting married

Getting more older

Getting more stable income so I can free up my brain to do other fun stuff (maybe learning mandarin)

Getting my degree, I'm currently working towards it

Getting my graduate degree, getting dual citizenship [Luxembourg]

Getting my kids through college

Getting myself to the point where I'm my own boss and I can travel freely and not have to worry about losing my job or making money

Getting rid of the Presidents [title], being able to do my hobbies and stop solving other people's problems

Go back to building [LEGO]

Go outside

Go outside and play a little

Go places

God willing, more of the same

Going back to work

Going home

Going to 4th grade

Going to college

Going to middle school

Going to France on a river cruise with my brother his wife and my wife

Going to get out and reestablish my life

Grabbing onto my passions and letting them come to life



Heaven knows, I really don't know

Helping my kids through school and helping them succeed

Helping things that I've nurtured launch. That's kids and projects. That’s doing its own thing in away that's unpredictable but good and right for it

High school

High school level transition, becoming more mature and older

Holding on by the skin of my teeth till things calm down

Hopefully a promotion, I want to keep growing and learning new things

Hopefully continuing to make video games

Hopefully getting an MBA, there's a lot of unknown in the next 5 years

Hopefully good things, new career path

Hopefully reestablishing myself. Getting novel published. A year from now I'd like to be settled. Starting over to a great degree

Hopefully this

Hopefully to start a career, establish myself

Hoping to get a promotion at work, hoping my potential is seen so I can move up. In the next 10 years looking at retirement and building up 401k

How do we know? Things are a surprise always. I like surprises

I always think about traveling, to find out what's going on in the world

I am not sure

I can't say anything

I don't even know, sky's the limit. I don't want to put a cap on it

I don’t have the faintest clue. This is next. We wanted to get out of an old house and into a new one. This is the next.

I don't know

I don't know but it's going to be pure adventure (if I have anything to do with it that is)

I don't know what's going to happen next for me. But literally I'm going to go to my friends house and have lunch with my Dad

I don’t know what’s next. Maybe retiring and having more time to do what you feel like doing when you want to.

I don't know, I take it one day at a time

I don't know, I think that's what's exciting. For me its always my next strip. It's so incredible to be able to do that

I don't know, my whole life is improv. Continuing on the way of improv. More of that creation

I don't know, no idea

I don't really have anything. I don't want to be part of the race/ladder others are on. I love consistency, community, more of the same. Trying to get better and grow to help others

I don't really know

I don't really plan. Well my grandchild, really- new things, everyday has something new. A bit of travel, I've retired

I don't really understand that

I don't think about it. It's too late

I grew up in Seattle and I love it but I want to try living somewhere else for a while, moving to a new city

I guess, I just want to see what happens

I have many things I want to do. Getting our yard nice

I have my friend visit and take me out, driving next Sunday, I don't have an agenda. I like driving, going to church and seeing my friends after at coffee

I have no clue. Change is next

I have no idea

I have no idea, I'm exploring my path. I'm an explorer

I hope it's having my girlfriend moving to the UK. I hope it's seeing more of my family and friends. I hope its increasing the variety of things I photograph. However ultimately I have no idea because I don't know what's coming up next

I hope many years of happiness and good health. Health is so paramount to our well being and happiness

I hope my son becomes more responsible

I hope that I'll be further along my journey to just be generally7 content, whatever that means

I just started my next stage (divorce). I started modeling last year, I want to express my sexuality and femininity which has been suppressed for a long time

I must get both my sons married, that is the utmost concern. That is next

I not know

I really don't have the foggiest

I really don't know. Anything is possible

I really don't know. I know I'm going to die but in the meantime, I  really don't know

I strive to know more, learn, get information. So I can become more educated in a general sense

I think about it all the time but I don't have an answer

I want to be a good person, head of the family for kids and Grandkids

I want to be a professor in maths

I want to become a Doctor and make a house with a swimming pool. I want to give money to poor people and help them get educated

I want to construct an old age home

I want to get serious when it comes to my acting but first focus on my financial goals

I want to keep my Grandpa smiling, achieving my goals

I want to live peacefully, that is all

I want to start a company

I want to try different things that I've never tried (writing with brutal honesty about what goes on in the world from the perspective of growing up in the status quo. For people to be aware of way of growing up at a young age

I would hope growth, moving forward in the various fields I've involved myself in

I would like to write and help people make decisions in uncertainty, to create a path. To use my background in applied mathematics and history, to teach that there are biases, to convey through the lessons of history and reduce uncertainty . To show that the differences in religion are amazingly similar.

I would say continuing the work/life balance struggle

I'd like the kids to be more independent so I can have more free time

I'm going to Australia, that's my 7th continent of travels. After that I'll focus on seeing the US. Mainly National Parks I haven't seen

I'm hoping I can see my grandkids grow up and get married

I'm hoping to move to Miami actually

I'm still trying to figure it out. I still have hopes and dreams to be a successful entrepreneur

I’m very interested in my next phase, I want it to be like a canvas. I haven’t given it much thought, I want it to unfold.

Improving something in my business

Increasing activism and staying fit

Incremental steps towards awakening

Inner peace

It's retirement really

Just continuity, life

Just more growth

Just want to live without giving anyone trouble

Keep doing what I'm doing

Keep doing what I'm doing. To get a new day job

Learning about myself

Leaving here and being a productive member of society, working on my career

Leaving this country (US) again


Literally- moving from a rental to a house. Developing my life with the people I love.

Living in Hawaii and having my own yoga studio

Living my life to the fullest

Living with a panda and eating candy


Lots of different things, wherever life throws at me really

Lots of things, I want to do some kind of social service, I don't know what but I want to do something to make myself useful to others


Making my life slower, focusing on what matters

Marriage of my children

Middle School


More education

More exploring

More learning

More music

More music, I'm actually not sure what's next

More of the same until retirement. I'm not looking for a change anymore

More of the same. I've reached a stage where I want to do more of what we've been doing and hoping we stay healthy. Smooth sailing for a while

More travel

More traveling

Most importantly getting my son married

Moving out of the country (US)

Moving somewhere new

My ambition. Giving physically challenged people vocational training. I've made steps but want to achieve more

My birthday

My daughter

My empire

My future, my ambition and my goals. I want to achieve my goals

My goal is to become a police officer

My goal is to save the world

My grandchildren, I love them all

My house song

My left foot

My life has changed a lot in the last few years. What's next is more work and hopefully more money, more of what I'm doing

My wife

My wife and I do a lot of traveling, we just back from a cruise to Hawaii, went to Australia and New Zealand before that and for the next one we are thinking of Norway, my wife grew up there

My work continuing at the school, developing the school

New adventure, new discovery

New puzzle, new challenge, something that gives me growth

New York fashion week and hopefully Howard University

Next is bringing my sister to live with me

No plan

Not taking things so seriously


One day at a time

Open yourself to listen to anyone

Opening another business probably

Opening restaurant number two

Parenting teens


Physically being better and self improvement, it’s my turn

Planning a trip

Planning to go for a PhD. Hopefully in the next month

Planning what I'll do when I'm released and how I'll transition back to society, school, get a career

Play and build

Play with my friends

Playing sports

Positive change


Probably a cruise to Hawaii

Probably baseball

Probably high school, college

Probably some baseball tournaments

Publishing my book

Putting the kids to bed

Quite literally Mexico, in general more travel

Really being authentically myself, not what other people think is life

Really no telling but what I'd like to see next is creating a family of my own

Reconstruction surgery from mastectomy

Release and education


Retirement eventually

Returning to our second home is very tangible, and not knowing what awaits us

Right now I have small kids, the next stage is them getting older and independent. Next is where I have more time for myself

Right now very uncertain, I don't know. Hoping to get back health and energy. 

Right now, school


Seeing my grands graduate high school, college, the more the better

Self induced freedom

Setting goals and deadlines and making the things I want a reality

Settling down with all that entails

Settling down, where I am right now and becoming a bigger part of the community where I am. Making a difference

Settling in well

Settling my children

Seventh grade

Short term: Enjoying time at home, Long term: One day running a fishing boat

Showing my family that I can stay out of prison


So many things- in the future some goals- graduation, open a jiu jitsu school and lunch pretty soon


Success first and happiness

Success, hopefully

Successful business adventure

That's a good question, I'm not sure, lots of things are happening

That's a good question. I don't really know what's next

That's an uncertainty, it's a good question. But it's not stressful. Stuff will happen, it will be OK. What's next is not a burden

That's the great mystery

The end is near [laugh] and it doesn't bother me a bit. It might be 1, 2, 3, 4 years, I don't know

The immediate thing that came to mind is Death. I don't know and I'm looking forward to finding out

The next question

The possibilities keep opening up with each year

The unknown

The zoo

To achieve something

To achieve my dream, IFS (Indian Foreign Service)

To be a soccer player on the USA women's team

To be as much of an artist as I can be aside from college. Find non-conformist expression in nude art and paint abstract art

To be good in the future

To become a chartered accountant

To become a civil service person

To become a great doctor

To continue growing

To continue to broaden my horizons, travel more and read more

To do right by my kids when I leave here

To eat my fig bar

To get out and pursue my dreams and investing 100% into me instead of everybody else

To go back and gets some fucking sleep

To have a good job

To keep focused and remain positive, hope to make it out of prison

To keep on doing as much as I can while I can. I think of it mainly in terms of travel

To leave Seattle

To let myself be proud

To live every day to the fullest, I feel blessed

To prove I'm not the person they thought I was and that I can change things around

To see my children settle down and get on with their life. And ensure they're happy and aim for what they want to aim for

To start a new chapter in my life

Today starting piano lessons. Maybe next adding to the saturated Austin market and releasing an album



Travel, I hope to go around the world in February


Traveling, I want to go everywhere

Trying to balance philosophical health and love and being in love

Trying to get through and become 80

Trying to stay healthy, I want to live to be 90. Get rid of aches and pains

Trying to survive

Turning 8

Vacations and more fun

Warm weather and a possible move

We'd like to have our own home

Well babysitting, I’m going to help raise my granddaughter. Hopefully volunteering and traveling

What can we do next?

Whatever's coming after what we're doing

When I get older, and get to middle school, get a girlfriend, get married, become a video game designer and make LEGO sets for others to enjoy

When I leave here- reuniting with my family and trying to right some wrongs and make a difference

Who knows, who knows who knows what might happen tomorrow

Working on myself, making myself better. It's a lifelong process