Lynn, 70.25
What is the best age? I made some huge life changes and some wonderful things happened in my 30s. But I've found that there's something wonderful about every decade.
When do people become old? When their mind is old. I've met 23 year olds that are old. When you're closed off and when you vote for Donald Trump.
What makes you sad? The homeless situation really rankles me and what bothers me is that I have no answers. And since I have two Grandkids, the whole climate change situation. It makes me sad that the whole world is laughing at us politically. And if anything happens to my kids or Grandkids that affects me deeply.
What makes you happy? My family, my kids, my Grandkids, I absolutely love travel. I enjoy reading. I spend an extraordinary amount of time outside. Being outside is very important to me. I also swim and swimming is like my meditation.
What is the best place in the world? For me the absolute best place is having my Grandaughters on my lap. Playing a game with them, talking with them
What do you worry about? Dying alone, I always joked about being that person who's dead for 3 days before anyone notices. I worry about my kids. I want to make sure they're adulting properly. Their happiness. I worry about losing my mind.
What do you love? Kids and Grandkids, family, travel, eating, reading, working in my garden and friends
What is next for you? I don't know, I think that's what's exciting. For me its always my next trip. It's so incredible to be able to do that.
What is life about? About figuring out who the hell you are. Where you fit, what's your place. It's about people.