ages 76 to 80
Jack, 76.50
What is the best age? 55
When do people become old? When they become ill
What makes you sad? Politicians
What makes you happy? Good finances
What is the best place in the world? On the first tee
What do you worry about? Donald Trump
What do you love? Our life, lots of elements to that
What is next for you? Travel
What is life about? Relationships
Dave, 77.67
What is the best age? 50-60
When do people become old? When they start having health issues
What makes you sad? Death
What makes you happy? Playing- boating, being at sea, golfing, recreational things
What is the best place in the world? Home
What do you worry about? I don't really worry a lot, I think about getting things done and planning in the future
What do you love? My wife and being alive
What is next for you? Feet first out the door, continuing to cruise, resume skiing
What is life about? Being content
Ameer Ali, 77.83
What is the best age? 25
When do people become old? Now
What makes you sad? I'm not sad
What makes you happy? It depends on others, including relatives
What is the best place in the world? Native place only [India]
What do you worry about? Relatives and others
What do you love? Nature
What is next for you? Nothing
What is life about? Things happen, that's life
Flo, 78.17
What is the best age? In my 20s
When do people become old? When they allow it to
What makes you sad? When my children don't pay attention to me
What makes you happy? Life
What is the best place in the world? I think to be with a partner
What do you worry about? I have an adopted daughter and I worry about her because she's autistic and not doing great
What do you love? Everything that I'm allowed to do and be
What is next for you? To live every day to the fullest, I feel blessed
What is life about? Making the most of whatever comes your way
Joe, 78.58
What is the best age? I'd probably say 30-35
When do people become old? That's all in your mind, I don't feel old though I call myself an old goat
What makes you sad? How many liberals there are, the politics in this country. The fact that there are people that are party to socialism as a way life in this country
What makes you happy? My family and my dog Lelah
What is the best place in the world? Peace of mind
What do you worry about? What kind of country we're going to leave to our children
What do you love? My wife, my children, my dog and good friends
What is next for you? Going to France on a river cruise with my brother his wife and my wife
What is life about? Trying to become the best person you can be. Everything else will fall into place after that
Don, 78.75
What is the best age? 50s
When do people become old? It's when you stop exercising, when you stop doing things. When you stop being busy and keeping busy
What makes you sad? When I see what's going on in the world. You would think we would have learned from the wars- the recent bombings of schools and hospitals.
What makes you happy? If I can share good moments with my partner. In or out of the house
What is the best place in the world? I guess it'd be a place that makes you happy. This is one of the good places to be (Punta Gorda, FL), away from the cold in a warm climate.
What do you worry about? I'm not worried about my age, as I'm getting older. I’m worried or concerned with the condition I'm in before I die.
What do you love? My freedom, the company of my partner, sailing- freedom I feel when I sail. I become unattached and with the elements.
What is next for you? Returning to our second home is very tangible, and not knowing what awaits us
What is life about? If I can make my fellow man happy and share what I have. I don't feel I was put on this planet to do harm
Don, 79.17
What is the best age? Because I'm a senior now, I'd say being a senior and being alive
When do people become old? Personally I think when they think they are
What makes you sad? I'm not really a sad person
What makes you happy? Being alive
What is the best place in the world? The Villages [Florida], for retirees anyway
What do you worry about? Most of what I worry about is my 2 daughters and their families, especially with the violence in schools
What do you love? I love this lady [partner], I also love golf and pickleball, my family
What is next for you? Trying to get through and become 80
What is life about? In my feeling it's having fun. Enjoying what you have and making the best of it. Flo [partner] and I like dancing and having fun.
Harold, 80.17
What is the best age? The current age
When do people become old? When they think they are. I haven't got there yet.
What makes you sad? Unfairness, injustice
What makes you happy? Fairness and justice, my family also
What is the best place in the world? Pacific Northwest, I've been to a lot of places but this place stands out
What do you worry about? I don't worry much, not much I can do about most problems in the world
What do you love? My family
What is next for you? More travel
What is life about? Finding yourself
Salihu, 80.42
What is the best age? 45-50
When do people become old? 70 and above
What makes you sad? Any dislocation in our work culture
What makes you happy? When we help needy people, it makes me happy
What is the best place in the world? Netherlands
What do you worry about? Undisciplined activities by others
What do you love? Simple life
What is next for you? Peace
What is life about? Human understanding and mutual love